From 225.00 

Thermostable FGF10 for research use

Patent protected


Thermostable FGF10 developed and manufactured by Enantis

Patent pending – WO2023089157A1


Competitive advantage of FGF10-STAB®

FGF10 is a mesenchymal signaling molecule and a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. FGF family members possess broad mitogenic and cell survival activities, and are involved in a variety of biological processes – embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis and tissue repair. Thermostable form of FGF10 – FGF10-STAB® – has significantly improved half-life at 37°C and fully retained biological activity. This protein exhibits mitogenic activity for keratinizing epidermal cells, but essentially no activity for fibroblasts, which is similar to the biological activity of FGF7. Studies have suggested that FGF10 gene is required for embryonic epidermal morphogenesis including brain development, lung morphogenesis, and initiation of lim bud formation.


Longer biological activity

Densitometric characterization of ERK phorsphorylation in MCF7 cells


Much lower dosage needed 

4MBr-5 cell proliferation was tested after preincubation at 37 °C for 7 days


Longer digestion half-life

Densitometric characterization of degradation by trypsin


Thermal stability increased by 18°C

Animal-free product


Sizes: 50 ug, 100 ug, 500 ug and 1 mg

Lead time: up to 2 weeks

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